WSAB’s Public Education Partnership (PEP) Program is the only one of its kind in Washington, providing government agencies, trade and non-profit organizations with an opportunity to distribute important educational messages or calls-to-action to radio and television stations across the state. 


PEP includes the participation of 166 commercial radio and television stations in Washington. Messages are distributed to EVERY market in Washington where members donate a message bank monthly to WSAB.  Unlike a PSA, that is only aired if they have airtime available, PEP messages are scheduled via traffic orders in airtime pre‐reserved for WSAB partners.  WSAB’s exclusive program offers proof of performance for ALL stations that participate.  Reports are collected and tabulated the following month and a printed summary is provided, along with copies of all invoices/affidavits.  No other organization in Washington has time reserved with all 166 stations. WSAB tracks these messages until they meet your value match. Often exceeding participants’ expectations!  Through the WSAB PEP Program, you will reach every citizen in Washington that watch television or listen to radio.

The program is best suited for government agencies, trade and non-profit organizations with public education campaigns for which they have SOME promotional budget, but not enough funds to buy sustained statewide coverage on All radio and television stations.



The Washington State Association of Broadcasters Public Education Partnership (PEP) Program has helped government agencies, trade and non-profit organizations to reach audiences throughout the state since the early 1990s.  The PEP program is simple, and has withstood the test of time.



Radio and TV stations donate commercial airtime to their state broadcast association to be re-sold well below market prices only to governmental, trade or nonprofit associations.  Proceeds subsidize professional education to our members (your state broadcasters), Washington broadcast student scholarships, internships, station regulatory compliance with FCC Rules, and other initiatives that serve the industry and communities they serve.  You get access to the airwaves at deeply discounted prices.  The public gets to hear and see your messages.  Broadcasters help fund their trade association.  It’s a “win-win” for all.


Tourism, Voter information/deadlines, Amber Alert Awareness, housing/mortgage assistance, teen pregnancy, quality child care/foster care, income tax prep assistance, recruitment, filing deadlines, veterans support, wildfire prevention, homeland security, domestic violence, consumer protection/fraud prevention, injury prevention, read to learn, child abuse, lead poisoning prevention, work zone safety, gambling addiction, rape prevention, traveler’s hotline, organ/tissue donor program, school lunch programs, winter road conditions, immunization awareness, low income energy assistance, terrorism preparedness, WIC program, abstinence, Medicare fraud, oral health, early learning, elder abuse and many more.



PEP campaigns commonly air over three, six and twelve-month periods, but can be customized, as well.   The powerful advantage of a PEP campaign is the dollar for dollar value match.  The WSAB endeavors to provide a 2:1 airtime delivery (retail spot value) against the cash invested to air the campaign (for example, a $50,000 cash investment would yield a guarantee of $100,000 in aggregate airtime value on member stations airing the campaign).


Please email Keith Shipman at the WSAB ( to learn more about investing in a PEP campaign.



Upon completion of each month of the campaign, stations provide WSAB with invoices/affidavits of performance documenting actual dates and times of play, and net dollar value of the air-time donated to the PEP Partner.  Information will be compiled and presented to the PEP Partner as soon as possible after the end of each contractual month’s information is received and compiled.



WSAB can accept separate campaigns/messages for which paid advertising in any media – including radio, television, newspapers, billboards, etc., has NOT been used in the past twelve months.  If a partner has separate campaigns/messages FOR DIFFERENT SUBJECTS, some of which are using paid advertising and some of which are not, WSAB can accept all separate campaigns/messages that are not using paid advertising.

The content of the PEP announcements should be of benefit to the public, a “COMMUNITY MESSAGE”, and cannot include elected officials or potential candidates for elected office, political messages, defamatory or disparaging material.



PEP Partners will be responsible for providing finished, broadcast quality radio and television messages (and copies of scripts) to air during the campaign.  It is preferred that radio messages are :30 in length and should be delivered in an .mp3 format.  It is preferred that television messages are :15 and/or :30 in length and should be delivered in an .mp4 format.  The WSAB encourages clients to produce both English and Spanish language messages to enhance the effectiveness of delivering your message.   PEP Partners are responsible for all fees associated with creation and production of announcements.


WSAB will, at its own expense, duplicate and distribute the spots to participating stations. 


FCC rules require that the announcements provided to the broadcasters include a sponsor identification, and that federally funded announcements be Closed Captioned. The following tagline complies with the FCC rules: “Sponsored by (PEP Partner Name) and aired in cooperation with the Washington State Association of Broadcasters and this station.”  While the radio tagline is naturally oral, the television tag may be visual only.  The WSAB will provide its logo for placement during the tag for television announcements.



PEP Partners will provide timely payment of the agreed upon NET amount to WSAB (even though the actual value of airtime provided may exceed the minimum ratios outlined above).